
Here are a couple of short videos to introduce you to Johnston Research and what we have to offer.

A visual overview of Johnston Research and what we do.

A brief introduction to our workshop series, Honouring Reconciliation In Evaluation.

We want to express our sincere appreciation for your leadership and contributions to the development of the Ways Tried and True Aboriginal Methodological Framework.

Nina JethaManager, Canadian Best Practices Initiative

Anishnawbe Health Toronto would hire Johnston Research again for Board of Directors consultations and strategic planning.

Joe HesterExecutive Director, Anishnawbe Health Toronto

The corporation brought many ideas and suggestions on approaches, and a wide range of contacts and sources to draw upon.

Senior Program Advisor, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada

Johnston Research successfully liaised with project representatives, often at very senior levels, on the sensitive topic of family violence. Johnston Research demonstrated exceptional abilities.

Manager, Family Violence Prevention Program & Justice Issues, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada

The evaluators conducted themselves in a very professional manner throughout the process; in addition to being very flexible in order to get the job done.

Manager, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

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