Evaluation of Agency Governance, Management, and Service Delivery

Client: Fort Frances Tribal Area Health Services Inc.

Topic: Governance

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2016

Description: Building on the 2013 Evaluation Framework JRI developed, this evaluation focused on measuring achievement of benchmarks and standards, as defined in the framework through on-site document review, staff and management interviews, and secondary literature review.

Evaluation of Phase 3 of the First Nation – Municipal Community Infrastructure Partnership Program

Client: Federation of Canadian Municipalities

Topic: Economic Development

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2016

Description: This summative evaluation encompasses the 2014 – 2016 fiscal year expenditures for the First Nation – Municipal Community Infrastructure Partnership Program (CIPP).

Evaluation Services to Assess the Joint Working Group on Violence Against Aboriginal Women and Girls

Client: Ontario Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs

Topic: Violence

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2015

Description: This evaluation focused primarily on the governance model and its functionality as well as relevance and effectiveness.

Aboriginal Initiatives for the Canadian Best Practices Portal launch of The Aboriginal Portal of Ways Tried and True

Client: Public Health Agency of Canada

Topic: Health

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2015

Description: Engaged with expert Aboriginal Advisory Group, designed a framework for determining Indigenous Ways Tried and True, and engaged with 34 case studies, now featured on the Portal.

Health Advocacy Review, A Socio-Political Environmental Pulse

Client: Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy

Topic: Health

Type: Policy Research, Evaluation

Date: 2015

Description: JRI undertook a substantial study of health advocacy, where no previous provincial review had ever been conducted.  In order to understand the system and develop a framework or model of it, JRI completed a provincial review, environmental scan, and projections study.

Interprovincial Sport and Recreation Council (ISRC), Healthy Living Unit

Client: Physical Activity Approaches at the Ground Level: Promising Practices Targeting Aboriginal Children and Youth

Topic: Physical Activity/ Sport

Type: Evaluation

Description: We produced 15 case study reports from across Canada and abroad, currently housed at NADA.  Then summarized these into SlideShare.  And finally produced a Blog as well as a Prezi explaining the project.

Aboriginal Diabetes in South West Ontario, Winning the Fight Against Diabetes

Client: South West Local Health Integration Network

Topic: Health

Type: Policy Research

Date: 2015

Description: Engaged with the Aboriginal Health Committee to conducted an environmental scan of service provision across the region, to identify innovations and gaps, and drew conclusions and recommendations.

Health/Social Advisory Board’s Strategic Plan and Operational Plan

Client: The Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians

Topic: Governance

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2015

Description: Indigenous Reclamation was a critical piece of the planning, as Johnston Research Inc. guided the Board through determining their priorities and strategic directions as well as operational planning.

Responsible Gambling Action Strategy: The Voice of First Nations Youth

Client: Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre

Topic: Responsible Gambling

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2015

Description: Collaborative project development with a steering committee comprised of service providers and First Nations youth from each community.  Launched with a meeting in August 2013 with 72 youth and 25 service providers and finished with a town hall of 60 youth, service providers and leadership.  See Strategy here.

Facilitation of the Strategic Business Plan and Operational Plan

Client: Anishnawbe Health Toronto

Topic: Governance

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2014

Description: JRI quickly developed a trusting and unbiased relationship with AHT delegates that resulted in five year plans reflecting the priorities and opinions of delegates.

Evaluation of the Culturally Relevant, Gender Specific HIV/AIDS Prevention & Aboriginal Women’s

Client: Native Women’s Association of Canada


Type: Evaluation

Date: 2014

Description: Engaged collaboratively with client to develop a framework and tools, provided supports as client collected data, completed the analysis and draft report, reviewed report with client and finalized report together.

Summative Evaluation of the AFN Five–Year Flexible Contribution Agreement

Client: Assembly of First Nations

Topic: Health

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2013

Description: Among the 34 programs we reviewed in-depth, such as the Resolution and work plan activities, some were AFN initiated, such as the First Nations Environmental Contaminants Assessments.

Aboriginal Mental Health and Addictions Strategy 10-year Strategy

Client: Southwest and Erie St. Clair Local Health Integration Network

Topic: Integration

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2013

Description: Engaged with the Aboriginal Health Committee and the SW LHIN to discuss on a number o occasions priorities, strategic directions, pros and cons, and action planning for the 10-years.

Identification of Supports for Nurses Working in First Nations Transferred Communities

Client: Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada

Topic: Health

Type: Policy Research

Date: 2013

Description: Survey of nurses working in transferred First Nations, as well as case studies to inform the supports needed to improve service delivery and knowledge-base of nurses across Canada – see report here.

First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care 10 year Strategic Business Plan

Client: Health Canada

Topic: Governance

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2013

Description: Engaged, JRI was cited as the best facilitation team, by AFN.  We discussed gaps, challenges, priorities, and solutions to arrive at business plan which guides the HCC funding envelope for the next 10-years.

Improved Social Conditions on the Aboriginal Agenda in Ontario Performance Measurement Topical Case Studies

Client: Ontario Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs

Topic: Education

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2012

Description: Among completing 26 case studies for MAA, one specific project was the Aboriginal Postsecondary Education and Training Policy Framework.

Improved Social Conditions on the Aboriginal Agenda in Ontario: Performance Measurement Topical Case Studies

Client: Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs

Topic: Housing/ Homelessness

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2012

Description: We completed 26 case studies for MAA, one specific project was the Aboriginal Housing Trust (AHT).

Community Integration Leader Project; First Nation, Inuit and Métis Report

Client: City of Toronto

Topic: Child Welfare

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2012

Description: Aboriginal Research for the Community Action Research within the Best Start model for child welfare services at two sites of practice: Scarborough Native Child and Regent Park.

Creating a Common Path: Hearing from practitioners who serve First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, and youth and families.

Client: Centre for Excellence in Child and Youth Mental Health

Topic: Mental Health

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2012

Description: Amassed 50 staff and managers across province, managing their travel and accommodation to engage in a 1.5 day meeting we facilitated to develop an engagement strategy with First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities in Ontario to discuss child and youth mental health.

Daughter Spirit in Action Formative Evaluation: a National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy

Client: Native Women’s Association of Canada

Topic: Mental Health

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2012

Description: Provided participatory evaluation training at a two-day training workshop for the youth facilitators which included the youth using video production equipment and a Honouring the Elders Feast organized by the youth.

First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Health Needs Assessment and Community Engagement Strategy

Client: Waterloo Wellington Local Health Integration Network

Topic: Governance

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2011

Description: As a new entity the LHIN hired us to engage with the regional community, holding focus groups to discuss how best the LHIN could move forward in better involving the Aboriginal community in their health decision making.

Urban Aboriginal Education Pilot Project Provincial Evaluation

Client: Council of Ontario Directors of Education

Topic: Education

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2011

Description: Engaged with 3 sites of practice across the province as well as a Ministry and Indigenous Co-chaired Advisory Committee to document improved approaches to serving Aboriginal secondary students.  See report here.

Aboriginal Justice Strategy Evaluation Case Studies

Client: Department of Justice

Topic: Justice

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2011

Description: Utilizing photovoice we provided advice on this technique, including digital voice recording the stories of the photos.  We summarized the stories into a 10-minute themed video.  See report here.  DVD available upon request.

Moving Forward! Planning for Self-Determination, Alberta On-Reserve Shelters United

Client: Alberta Council Of Women’s Shelters

Topic: Economic Development

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2011

Description: Calculated the deficit of First Nations shelters in terms of an on-par model.  Demonstrated fiscally as well as qualitatively the drawbacks to funding emergency services without adequate funding and resourcing, including the legal implications – view here.

First Nation Housing Evaluation Case Studies

Client: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada

Topic: Housing

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2010

Description: Designed and conducted 10 case studies across Canada on First Nations Housing, including a review of all INAC housing  and matrimonial real property policies.

Treatment Centre Feasibility Study (strategic planning research)

Client: Constance Lake First Nation

Topic: Economic Development

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2010

Description: Environmental scan/situational analysis and strategic planning research project where the NAN population of 28,555 was estimated to have 2,650 – 3,200 adults and 1,000 – 3,6000 youth abusing prescription drugs.  See report here.

Tending the Fire Evaluation and Evaluation Framework

Client: Public Safety Canada, Aboriginal Corrections Policy Unit

Topic: Mental Health

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2009

Description: Spent a full-day at the program site reviewed the evaluation framework in a training session with the management and staff on its tailored application in their setting – using traditional teachings.

A Strategy for Capacity Building with Aboriginal Organizations and Communities

Client: Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs

Topic: Governance

Type: Policy Research

Date: 2009

Description: JRI holds a standing offer with INAC to conduct policy research on economic development – we were recognized as experts in Canada, on best practices and our ability to research economic development approaches and investments.

Ontario Aboriginal Responsible Gambling Program

Client: Ontario Federation of Friendship Indigenous Centres

Topic: Responsible Gambling

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2009

Description: This training session reviewed a newly introduced logic model.  The group appreciated the ease and connection the logic model held to the work they did in their program.  Their reporting was also reviewed through examples and paper exercises demonstrating how the logic model could be applied to enhance their planning and reporting for alignment with the provincial evaluation framework.

Responsible Gambling Needs Assessment, Strategic Plan, and Evaluation Framework

Client: Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres

Topic: Responsible Gambling

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2009

Description: The primary goal of this two-year participatory action research methodology was to produce a Needs Assessment, Strategic Plan and Evaluation Framework in collaboration and informed by the (7) Ontario First Nations and Métis organizations.  View Needs Assessment here.

Urban Aboriginal Peoples Survey Implementation

Client: Urban Aboriginal Strategy

Topic: Urban Issues

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2009

Description: Trained and managed ten (10) interviewers daily over an eight (8) week period and routinely monitoring and adjusting quota requirements.

Tending the Fire Evaluation and Evaluation Framework

Client: Public Safety Canada, Aboriginal Corrections Policy Unit

Topic: Mental Health

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2009

Description: Spent a full-day at the program site reviewed the evaluation framework in a training session with the management and staff on its tailored application in their setting – using traditional teachings.

Standing Offer Agreement on Policy Services for Aboriginal Economic Development

Client: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada

Topic: Economic Development

Type: Policy Research

Date: 2008

Description: JRI holds a standing offer with INAC to conduct policy research on economic development – we were recognized as experts in Canada, on best practices and our ability to research economic development approaches and investments.

Communicable Disease Control Division Guide and Assessment: Project Report Templates

Client: Health Canada


Type: Evaluation

Date: 2008

Description: Developed a Guide (set of instructions and guidelines) to assist Health Canada’s Regional and HQ staff to improve the quality of completed 2007/08 Progress Reports templates on the Performance Indicators for the Immunization, Tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS programs.

Aging at Home Strategy Evaluation Framework

Client: North East Local Health Integration Network

Topic: Integration

Type: Evaluation Framework

Date: 2008

Description: Focused on least burden to community in the need to report.  Prioritized indictors — reduced the number and reduced bean counting.

Aboriginal Approaches to Evaluation Training

Client: Health Canada

Topic: Health

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2008

Description: Half day workshop on Indigenous methodologies, diverse approaches, and practice with The Waawiyeyaa Evaluation Tool.

Awakening Our Spirit (HIV/AIDS Fund) Summative Evaluation

Client: Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres


Type: Evaluation

Date: 2008

Description: Provided advice on evaluation methodology, synthesized before and after workshop evaluation forms, completed quarterly reporting templates, and program staff interview data, and prepared report.

Non-Reserve First Nations, Inuit and Métis Communities HIV/AIDS Project Fund

Client: Health Canada


Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2007

Description: Johnston acted as the Evaluation Trainer and Facilitator for the Non-Reserve First Nations, Inuit and Métis Communities’ HIV/AIDS Project Fund Meeting on Evaluation and Data Gathering Capacity Building.

Income Assistance Program Active Measure Research Study

Client: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada

Topic: Income Assistance

Type: Policy Research

Date: 2007

Description: From the 25 case studies we conducted, this study provided direction to INAC on the IA policy and program shift to the focus to active measures, as well as providing suggestions on methods of monitoring the success of any future changes.

Making Education Work Program Evaluation

Client: Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

Topic: Education

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2007

Description: Prepared 12 community evaluators for the tasks of completing all interviews on the list they were provided with program participants and their parents.

Family Violence Prevention Program Shelter Funding Formula

Client: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada

Topic: Violence

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2006

Description: Designed the data collection tools and interviewed INAC regional officers to gain an understanding of the current funding method the region utilizes when allocating funds to prevention projects within their region.

Family Violence Prevention Program Project Funding Methodology

Client: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada

Topic: Violence

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2006

Description: Known and referenced widely as The Johnston Report, this report laid the ground for discussions on a new funding formula for First Nations shelters.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 2006 Baseline Data Strategy

Client: Health Canada

Topic: Health

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2006

Description: Engaged with FNIHB to develop a strategic approach to data collection, examining gaps and challenges, and strengths in previous attempts.  Mapped out an evaluation matrix to link the desired data to targeted outputs and outcomes.

A First Nations Diabetes Report Card: Part 1: Marking a Path to Community Wellness

Client: Assembly of First Nations

Topic: Health

Type: Policy Research

Date: 2006

Description: Conducted Canada-wide environmental scan to create 50 case studies of diabetes programming to Aboriginal peoples and rated these services into a report card format.  See report here.

Aboriginal Head Start Urban and Northern Communities Evaluation

Client: Health Canada

Topic: Education

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2006

Description: Assisted with other trainers to prepare 20 community evaluators for the tasks of completing all interviews on the list they were provided with which included program participants, program staff, and local community professionals and members.

Aboriginal Evaluation Expert Presenter and Moderator

Client: Health Canada

Topic: Health

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2005

Description: Aboriginal Evaluation Expert Presenter and Moderator for Panel C: Using evaluation for learning, success & action to move policy direction forward.  This panel demonstrated that integrating Aboriginal knowledge into evaluation practices leads to positive experiences for the evaluation study participants.

Brighter Futures, CAP-C and CPNP Aboriginal Ontario Evaluation

Client: Ka:nen Our Children Our Future

Topic: Education

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2003

Description: Hired and trained community interviewers, and provided them with ongoing support.

Urban Aboriginal Strategy on Homelessness 2002/03 Plan

Client: Kevin V. Sandy Consulting Group

Topic: Homelessness

Type: Strategic Planning

Date: 2003

Description: Provided policy and strategic investigation advice on methodology and synthesized the data collected for the Urban Aboriginal Strategy on Homelessness.

Aboriginal Community Justice Program Evaluation

Client: Ministry of the Attorney General

Topic: Justice

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 2003

Description: Facilitator and Trainer for the Aboriginal Community Justice Program Evaluation Training Workshop.  These project participants greatly appreciated the knowledge shared on taking an Aboriginal approach to evaluation and having an opportunity to voice their project concerns with the funder.

Urban Aboriginal Strategy on Homelessness Assessment

Client: Kevin V. Sandy Consulting Group

Topic: Homelessness

Type: Evaluation

Date: 2001

Description: Provided evaluation advice on methodology and synthesized the evaluation data collected for the Urban Aboriginal Strategy on Homelessness.

Ontario Regional Off-Reserve Aboriginal Community Action Program for Children and Ontario Regional Off-Reserve Aboriginal Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program

Client: Ka:nen Our Children Our Future

Topic: Education

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 1999

Description: Prepared ten (10) community evaluators sfor the tasks of completing all interviews on the list.  The community evaluators were local persons that spoke the community’s language and had some previous contact with the local program.

The Ontario Aboriginal Healing and Wellness Strategy (AHWS) Process Evaluation

Client: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care

Topic: Health

Type: Evaluation Trainer

Date: 1998

Description: Hired and trained community interviewers, and provided them with ongoing support.

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